First of all we would like to let you know that we are serving domestic Business Community, Accountants and Accounting & Taxation Firms (CA Firms) with our core domain services of Accounting Software, Accounting & Book-keeping Services and Recruitment & Training for Accountants, Students and Accounting Professionals. We undertook the pilot project from one of our Client’s associate based at abroad and rendered specific online Accounting Services from the State of Gujarat, India. Even though it was a courtesy service at specific request; it left us thinking for a while and consequently we are up with ‘‘Remote Staffing’’ Services to our portfolio and that’s exclusively available for overseas Accountants, Accounting & Tax Professionals and CPA Firms.


Furthermore while assessing thought process we are persuaded with the fact that Accounting Principle and core concept of Accounting does not get change with change in geography. Double Entry Accounting System is quite famous across the world and Accounting Software thoroughly follows the same principle while we can have different software with varying configurations, features, customized reporting, user preference and control but eventually it shows Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Income & Expenditure Statement & etc. As far as the difference is concerned; it is of course the Taxation Laws and Tax Compliance and we are fully prepared to learn with self-confidence.

We are expecting support and professional breakthrough from overseas Accountants, Accounting & Tax Professionals, Certified Public Accountants and Business Community. We really hope your good selves will understand and respect our thought process and there will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other while perusing prospective Business for mutual benefits.

We do agree that we are accessing New Market but overall we are having quite rich domestic experience, domain knowledge and expertise, international exposure, adequate infrastructure and staff with our personal commitment and willingness to take on challenges for growth and development. We are quite confident and optimistic.

We are looking forward for your cooperation and support.

Please leave your message at info@allegiance.co.in and we will be in touch with your good selves with further assistance and information about our services.

Thank you.