At Allegiance Business Consultancy, we understand the importance of Human Resources; it takes considerable amount of time and effort to recruit right Candidates at right place in line with Organizations’ Business Objectives and thereafter it takes even more time to cultivate and nurture well talented, ethical and efficient Human Beings having strong moral values and personal growth potential. However performance of employees within organizations are largely driven by work atmosphere and work culture among several other things. Employees once hired; seek continuous personal growth all the way while Business growth remains dynamic and market driven with ups and down, thus it’s a challenging task for Business Leaders and Management to effectively manage talent pool and simultaneously maintaining organizations’ productivity and efficiency at utmost level.

Furthermore we accept as true that appropriate Training & Induction program in line with Business objectives and culture are vital for organization development and success as it helps accomplishing higher level of work efficiency and productivity. It’s the duty of Management to make sure Employees get familiar with nature of work along with complete understanding of Job Profile and Process, Rights and Responsibilities, Data Security and Safety Measures, Inter Department Communications & Co-Ordinations, Standard Protocol, Whistler Blower Policy & etc. and Employees are expected to follow strong work ethics and maintain integrity of assigned work as well as Business itself and therefore we do always encourage Organized Training Culture among Business Organizations and Academics.

We do offer following Human Resources Services with specific focus at Business Back Office Staff:

> Human Resources Recruitment Process & Planning
> Candidates & Profile Search
> Placement Services
> Organization Structure and Standard Operating Process (SOP) Assistance
> Personal & Telephonic Interview with Recommendations
> Skill Assessment with Profile & Process Specific Training
> New Employee Induction & Training
> Exit Interview
> Payroll Management
> Client Specific Customized Services

We always keep our Clients’ long term Business Objectives and core selection criteria at our attention while hiring Suitable Candidates.

Our Placement services are selective and we always recruit Candidates having Commerce background and equivalent with diploma, bachelor and/or master degree and we usually don’t consider and place Candidates having Science and Engineering background.

Please do let us know your contact details.

We will be more than happy to serve your good selves and we will get in touch with you for further details, discussion and requirements gathering.